

BIN - buy it now (ebay related)

BNIB - brand new in box

CCB - Cream Colour Base

CCO (or CCS) - Cosmetics Company Outlet (Cosmetics Company Store)

CP - Custom Purchase

DC (D/C, DC'ed) - Discontinued

D/S (DS) - Drugstore

E/L - eyeliner

E/S - Eyeshadow

EOTD - eye of the day

FOTD - face of the day

GC - Gift Certificate (gift card)

GWP - Gift With Purchase

HG - Holy Grail

LE - Limited Edition

L/G - Lipgloss

LOTD-look of the day
L/S - Lipstick

LNIB - like new in box

MA - makeup artist

MLBB - My Lips But Better

MSF - mineral skin finish


NIB - New In Box

RIS - Received In Swap

SA - sales associate

SIB - Still In Box

T/M - tinted moisturizer

UD - Urban Decay

YLBB - Your Lips But Better